Сабақ жоспары - "Informal mail", 9-шы сынып
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Subject: Let's Get Casual: Exploring Informal Mail
Hey there English Enthusiasts,
Get ready to shake off the formalities because in our next English class, we're diving headfirst into the world of informal mail!
Here's what's on the agenda:
1. **Introduction to Informal Mail:** We'll kick things off with a brief discussion on what makes mail informal. Think of it as the difference between chatting with a friend over coffee versus addressing your boss in a boardroom.
2. **Common Features:** We'll explore the typical features of informal mail. From friendly greetings to relaxed language and maybe even a sprinkle of emojis – it's all fair game!
3. **Real-Life Examples:** Let's take a peek at some real-life examples of informal mail. We'll dissect emails, text messages, and maybe even some handwritten notes to see informal language in action.
4. **Interactive Writing Activity:** Time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard)! We'll engage in a fun writing activity where you'll ge
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